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One membership with two associations!

Priority Bills that Passed

  • Nurse Licensure Compact
  • Home health workplace safety
  • New School Nurse Orientation
  • Education on Gun Safety
  • and others...

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 Nurses Day at the Capitol!

Thank you for your dedication to being an Advocate - for nurses and the patients we care for.

Our voice is strong together - standing side by side in the House and Senate Chamber - being recognized by our state legislators - sent a powerful message.

Much appreciation for our nursing colleagues at AFT, the support of legislators, and the Public Health Committee.

Upcoming events

Connecticut Nurses Association statement on Workplace Violence

United Against Workplace Violence

Workplace Violence Resources

Honoring Joyce Grayson
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Stone Academy Students

Office of Higher Education - main contact

Many resources for students to inform your next steps!

Click this link to read the state's press release on the plans and response. 

Stipulation agreements are available for those who graduated during a certain period, applied for a license, and passed the NCLEX.  All those eligible have been notified of the offer for the ReNurse Academy training sponsored by DPH. 


On-Demand Professional Development

(Take the Suicide, PTSD, Mental Health Courses)

Regular Meetings of the Association

Finance Committee

2nd week of the  mo.

Government Relations Committee

3rd Tuesday of the Month (Sept-June)

Board of Directors

4th Tuesday of the month

Governance Committee

as needed

(for more information email

View the Entire Calendar of Events

for Special Interest Groups/Areas and upcoming events

ANA Membership Assembly Follow Up

Commitment to Address Mental Health Stigma in Licensure and Employment

Removing Barriers for Nurses in Seeking Mental Health Care
A recent study published in ANA’s scholarly journal, OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (OJIN), reveals nurses indicate a support system within their practice environment is a key reason influencing intent to stay within their current role. It also reinforces that more mental health support and resources are needed to improve nurse retention. The ANA Membership Assembly voted on the following recommendations to remove barriers that prohibit nurses from receiving appropriate mental health and well-being support:

  • Reduce mental health-related stigma in health care settings at all levels.
  • Accelerate changes to mental health reporting requirements and normalize the process for nurses to seek help for workplace-related stresses.
  • Encourage employers to foster an organizational culture that prioritizes health worker well-being, normalizes open communication about mental health challenges, supports prevention and promotes care-seeking as a sign of strength.
  • ANA will work in collaboration with the NCSBN to update and revise the guidelines and best practices for the Alternative to Discipline programs.

VA Health Benefits and Role of the RN

Improving Health Care Access for Veterans
Veterans come with a unique set of challenges and social determinants associated with active military service such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), toxic chemical and airborne exposures, and higher rates of substance abuse disorders among other challenges. For that reason, ANA membership delegates voted on the following recommendations:

  • Considers the Veterans Community Care Program (VCCA) as a supplement to care delivery by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), not a replacement for that care.  ANA shall advocate for policies that ensure a seamless care system between the VHA and VCCA.
  • Work to improve nursing knowledge relating to the unique healthcare needs of the veterans population and their families.
  • Continues efforts to remove all restrictions to nursing practice within VHA and allow all nurses to practice to the full extent of their education and training to meet the health access needs of all veterans and improve timeliness of care.

ANA Code of Ethics Update

Public Comment Period is OPEN through 7/31/2024

Representatives also provided feedback and insights on the upcoming revisions to the Code, which is currently open for public comment through July 31, 2024. The revised Code is scheduled to launch in January 2025.

ANA has an ethical obligation to take every action to ensure the professional success and personal well-being of nurses. It will ceaselessly continue to advocate and work on behalf of the nation’s more than 5 million registered nurses. 

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Out of Pocket Medical Expense Coverage

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Together we make a difference! By joining the Connecticut Nurses Association, you become part of the unified voice of nursing in our state.

Get involved! CT Nurses' Association needs your expertise and passion to support our work. Opportunities to get involved in leadership, education, and advocacy are available. Network with nurses across the state or help shape the future generation of nurses by engaging in the many activities offered to members.

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The Connecticut Nurses’ Foundation (CNF) is the primary philanthropic nursing organization and 501(c)3 charity in the state of Connecticut, organized in 1983 for the purpose of supporting and advancing the profession of nursing and promoting the health of the citizens of the state of Connecticut.

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                         Mail-in: 1224 Mill St. Bldg B, East Berlin, CT 06023   or  Paypal link