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CT Nurses Association Presents:

FCC Monthly Bulletin

Art Class
Art Class

Vol. 59: July 1, 2024

A newsletter for family child care providers and SFCCN Staff

Daycare Center

CT Nurses Association
Family Child Care Policy & Procedure Guidance Series (2021)

This series created to support Family Child Care (FCC) Providers whenestablishing or building upon health and safety policies in response to the COVID 19 pandemic.


The 2021Guidance Series provides best practice considerations/components, sample language and rationale, so that FCCproviders can evaluate their own policies, procedures, practices,and family communications and then identify changes or additions essential to promoting health and safety in their homes.


The Guides each have the following 5 sections:
      1.How to Use this Guide
      3.Policy Checklist
      5.Sample Policy

Outdoor Play: English  |  Spanish

Confidentiality Guidance: English  |  Spanish


      These guides were based on the latest guidance at the time of publication from the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood(OEC), Caring for Our Children (CFOC) National Health and Safety Standards and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Bulletin Archive

Click below to view FCC monthly bulletins from January 2022 - today!

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