CT Nurses Association and the Government Relations Committee (GRC) continuously monitor issues important to nurses, the profession, and the patients we serve. This advocacy work ensures that the nurse’s position on potential laws and policies is seen and heard.
We welcome all voices of nurses to be heard, and opinions to be shared with lawmakers. This page will give nurses and students the information they need to communicate effectively with their representatives. While many of the links below are specifically for statewide lawmakers, the information can be used at the local or national level as well.
Building consensus and collaborating is key to successful legislation.
One way to do this is to let us know if you are taking action on an issue, email info@ctnurses.org
Legislative Process in Connecticut
Know the health issues in your State District This RWJF tools shares data on health, drivers of health, and health equity organized by congressional districts. Where we live shouldn’t determine how long or how well we live. Everyone should have the same opportunity to live the healthiest life possible but, in many areas across the country, persistent and systemic barriers to health and opportunity exist. This tool provides data to drive meaningful change. |
Advocate in Many Ways Nurses' can share their expertise, knowledge, and experience to influence the outcomes of issues impacting the nursing profession and the safe, quality care for patients and communities. When discussing nursing policy and practice issues, it is important to be professional, prepared, and polite. 1. Vote in Every Election 2. Meet your Chief Nurse Officer, Director of Nursing, Top Nurse Administrator 3. Join a Professional Organization 4. Participate in workplace or community committees, councils 5. Read and understand your Nursing Practice Act (NPA) and rules. The legislature can change the NPA. The CT Board of Examiners of Nursing can make rule changes and offers declatory rulings and clarifications.
6. Prepare an elevator speech and a professional introduction |
CT Nurses offers the following guide as “best practices” for nurses and students on how to (and how not to) address candidates and staff. These materials will help advocates find their representatives and interact effectively.
Join one of the many professional development and advocacy opportunities
Check the Events Calendar for dates
STEP 4: CONTINUE ADVOCATINGWe know that nurses working together have the power to get things done. Since 2002 the Gallup Poll has identified nurses as the most trusted profession in the US. Together, nurses can impact policy to benefit and protect our profession, our patients, and our communities. The healthcare system is facing serious challenges right now, and advocacy is more important than ever. Don’t leave your voice out of this story, take action; start advocating for issues you care about and... Florence Nightingale said, “rather, ten times, die in the surf, heralding the way into the new world, than stand idly on the shore.” Join Your Colleagues/CT Nurses Association today!